100 Things Canadiens Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die (100 Things...Fans Should Know)

100 Things Canadiens Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die (100 Things...Fans Should Know)

B. inggris 4. Arrange these jumbled words into good sentence a. new-many-are-government-the-built - housings - by b. protect -need-to-raincoat --from-we- ourselves - rain - a C. the-if-is-1-my-will-watch-cheap-buy-for-mother-it innan thoro lumhlod contences in bumbled sentence in and nararanh !​

4. Arrange these jumbled words into good sentence a. new-many-are-government-the-built - housings - by b. protect -need-to-raincoat --from-we- ourselves - rain - a C. the-if-is-1-my-will-watch-cheap-buy-for-mother-it innan thoro lumhlod contences in bumbled sentence in and nararanh !​


Question : Arrange these jumbled words into good sentence

Answer :

a. The new housings are built by many goverment

b. We need a raincoat to protect ourselves from rain

c. If i buy the cheap watch it is for my mother


M a a f K a l a u S a l a h

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